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    廉振民 教授简介
    2022-08-01 23:02  


    1972-1976, 礼泉县赵镇学校,任民办教师;

    1976-1979, 陕西师范大学生物系本科学习;

    1979-2002, 陕西师范大学生物系硕士、博士学习任教期间:副教授(1987),教授(1990),二级教授(2008);

    2002-2011, 延安大学副校长,校长;

    2011-2015, 西安工业大学校长;

    2015-2020, 陕西师范大学生科院任二级教授;



    1.Wei Yuan (Co-author), Laifu Li(Co-author),Wenjuan Hou (Co-author),Zhixiong  He (Co-author), Limin  Wang (Co-author), Jing  Zhang(Co-author),Yang Yang(Co-author),Wenqi Cai(Co-author), QianqianGuo (Co-author), Xueni Zhang(Co-author), Rui Jia(Co-author), Zhenmin Lian. Preweaning paternal deprivation impacts parental responses to pups and alters the serum OT and CORT levels and OTR, V1AR, ER, D1R, D2R levels in relevant brain regions in adult mandarin voles. Neuroendocrinology. DOI: 10.1159/000501798, 2020, 1423-0194. (二区, 通讯作者)

    2. Ruilin MChunmeiShen,YuanyuanWei, XiaoyeJin, YuxinGuo, YulingMu, SiqiSun, ChongChen, dWeiCui, ZhaomingWei, ZhenminLian. Genetic differentiation and forensic efficiency evaluation for Chinese Salar ethnic minority based on a 5-dye multiplex insertion and deletion panel. Gene, 2018, 660: 41-50. (三区,通讯作者)

    3. YaniLi, ZhuoyiSong, YujuanDing, YeXin, TongWu, TaoSu, RongqiaoHe, FadaoTai, ZhenminLian. Effects of formaldehyde exposure on anxiety-like and depression-like behavior, cognition, central levels of glucocorticoid receptor and tyrosine hydroxylase in mice. Chemosphere, 2016,144:2004-2012. (二区, 通讯作者)

    4. 邱立飞,魏朝明,王俊杰,刘红霞,赵白雪张彧,廉振民. 基于几何形态学方法的秦巴山区中华蜜蜂翅形态变异研究. 应用昆虫学报 2018, 55(3):503-513. (通讯作者)

    5. 秦岭昆虫志(全套12册)(主编:杨星科 副主编:张雅林,廉振民等;其中第一卷:主编:廉振民,副主编:魏朝明)。世界图书出版公司,全套12,1200万字,出版时间:2018.6

    6. Reduced Consolation Behaviors in Physically Stressed Mandarin Voles: Involvement of Oxytocin, Dopamine D2, and Serotonin 1A Receptors Within the Anterior CingulateCortex. International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2020. (合作作者)

    7. The serotonin system in the hippocampus CA3 involves in effects of CSDS on social recognition in adult female mandarin voles (Microtus mandarinus). Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry,2017. (合作作者)

    8. 食芽象甲对不同品种枣树植物挥发物的嗅觉反应. 王晶玲,洪波,陈志杰,廉振民,张淑莲,李英梅,张锋. 环境昆虫学报,2017,(6):1273-1280.



    1. 陕西省黄土高原旱作梯田专项调查和需求分析。技术服务,148.95,执行时间,2020-2025.

    2. 《陕西秦岭昆虫志》编写,经费20万。

    3. 秦巴山区中蜂资源利用与保护,经费,5万元。

    4. 秦岭昆虫资源调查,经费,20万元

    5. 秦岭昆虫资源调查与保护研究,20万元。

    6. 生物多样性研究,经费,20万元。

